Appropriate Use of Technology

NOTE: No need, after all, to have you paste your Comments into this class blog. 
The main Post needs to be in your personal Educ533 blog. 

Research the appropriate use of technology for your assigned NCTM Standard. Category 1: NCTM Activities 6-8.
Category 2: NCTM Lessons 6-8.
Category 3: Khan Academy Tutorials.

Standards, Standards everywhere.

Begin by reviewing a simplified overview of the Common Core (CC), NCTM, & District (CMP) standards
  • Use the following resources to gain a greater depth of understanding with the middle school mathematics standards. 
  • Describe how or if these standards harmoniously blend together. Eg, was it a struggle?
    • Be specific. Share your assigned standard and experience.

Conrad Wolfram (rethinking mathematics)

This Post is related to our Welcome Activity titled pre-req #4 of 4.
As per the following instructions, please complete your Comments prior to our first work session (TBA). 

If you've not heard about Conrad Wolfram, begin with his quick overview on Wikipedia. Then take a few moments to watch the following TED presentation.
  1. Jot down several scenarios or statements that stirred you up a little, and describe your feelings.
  2. How might one creatively address the impact that Mr Wolframs' presentation could have on current math curricula, instruction, and student learning?
Post your response to both reflections in a Comment below. Be specific. Stick to the topics. Approximately 200 carefully crafted words. Due prior to our first work session.

Welcome to Educ 533- Math Methods & Research

Throughout Educ 533 we will periodically use this Blog to share information as a group. It's a great way to post questions and share reflections and responses, and at the same time dramatically reduce email transactions and up/downloading files.

Some Posts will remain open for Comments; and some Posts will be closed after the Due Date (if related to an Assignment).